
Friday, January 28, 2011

Facebook available in Desktop

Facebook available in Desktop

Guys now a days social networking sites are taking place every where. when we talk about social networking site so one name directly comes in our mind which is "Facebook" as you know guys technologies are getting advance day by day.

The latest advancement on Facebook is when you turn on your computer so most of the people first open their browsers to check what are the news, messages , request comes in facebook from your friends/ relative or from some else.

But now you can check the status from your desktop without opening web browsers. Sounds good
than question arises how?

Here is the proof

Facebook Desktop is available with Adobe AIR and it can work on Windows or Mac OS X 10.5.
What options are available in Facebook desktop it shows you Notifications for status update, new wall posts, friend request and messages from facebook friend request. the best part of facebook desktop is it works on real time basis.

For download facebook desktop you have to download Adobe AIR too
Download link is available

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