
Friday, April 29, 2011

Block your unwanted calls and SMS from Mobilink

Block your unwanted calls and SMS from Mobilink

Mobilink has introduced a new service as a successor but this time Mobilink has added one new thing which is called "Unwanted Call and SMS block".

Why Mobilink introduced this service because now a days very unwanted calls are coming now a days, either from Credit card department, Insurance or for girls many unwanted boys call, SMS spamming from any networks so for that reason Mobilink has introduced "Unwanted Call and SMS block"

Many companies are offering blocking service but Mobilink is the first company which has introduced SMS blocking service.

How to Subscribe?

Methods of Subscription

You can subscribe through SMS and Call both

  1. First i will tell you through SMS for activation write from your message "act (space) ics" and send it to "420".
  2. Second method through Call dial "420" and follow the instructions.

Charges of this special service

If you want to block unwanted SMS via SMS so per SMS will charge you Rs. 1+ tax (those SMS in which you will send numbers to "420".

And if you want to block unwanted call via call to "420"  so for the introductory period it is free but after the end of introductory period it will charge you Rs. 2+ tax per minute.

Monthly subscription charges of blocking unwanted Call & SMS :  Rs. 14.99+ tax per month it will be deducted from your credit.

Procedure to block unwanted Call & SMS

If you want to block unwanted call and SMS  you just write on write message  "ADD NB number"    "ADD NB  030xxxxxxxx"   send it to "420"

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